Keeping wheels turning

Community Trike for York is a Cycling Without Age initiative which aims to help support the mental wellbeing of the elderly and those with a disability by offering free rides on motorised trishaws.

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Every time someone buys a Lotto ticket, it helps out a program like ours

Rob Pampling operates Community Trike for York and loves to take his passengers for rides in the sunshine, helping get them out and about in the community.

Rob said, “just to see them improve in their outlook, in their positivity, is very rewarding.”

By playing Lotterywest games, you’ve helped give $10,000 to Community Trike for York to help purchase a new motorised trishaw to benefit the York community.

 “Every time someone buys a Lotto ticket, it helps out a program like ours,” said Rob.

So, thanks for playing WA.

Read Supporting children with autism to build self-confidence through surfing
Supporting children with autism to build self-confidence through surfing

Supporting children with autism to build self-confidence through surfing

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To organisational development and information technology to support the advancement of culture through the performing arts for the WA community.

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Towards furniture and equipment to establish the Aaron Close Project, a transitional housing facility for families and single people who are homeless in Geraldton.


Want to apply for a grant?

Every year we give grants to Western Australian community organisations who provide services, support and inspiration to make this already great state, greater. If you think you’re one of those, click below to find out how to apply.

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